Definetelly building a brand is an on going challenge that requires The Company to emphasise its differences over so called competition. These differences are its brand values and they include amongst others product quality, product variety, sophistication, exclusivity etc. Emphasis of these KEY/CORE brand values gives The Company its personality and it is this personality that existing customers are reminded of and reassured by and that prospective customers are intrigued by, find association and comfort with. Association and comfort breed and engender strong relationships. These relationships are manifested in acceptance, purchase and loyalty. With continued brand support purchase is naturally followed by repeat purchase and so on.
We can distinguish 4 main components of brand. There are:
We can distinguish 4 main components of brand. There are:
- A Company’s brand values need to be identified. Without identification the process of relationship building can not begin. The Company’s brand values must be emphasised through advertising, not just key-moment tactical advertising but year round strategic advertising, press, poster, radio, web and so on.
- Once identified from 'so called' competitors The Company’s brand can be readily selected by the consumer as an option easily understood. Free from competitive 'noise' The Company and all it represents will be clearly visible.
- Once selection has taken place The Company can begin to communicate, now to a captive audience, everything from product and service detail, to the most important - the features and benefits of a positively engineered relationship.
- This clear communication leads to The Company being differentiated from all others. Once differentiation has been established The Company’s brand personality becomes clear and relationships are both formed and strengthened.
A very good and useful article about brand strategy- you can easily get to know what's going on. Nice , short explanations!!! Definately sth one can benefit from;)