Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Heyah's analysis according to 4Ps

On the beginning I gave you some theoretical part about 4ps and brand strategy. Now I wanna achieve Heyah's analysis according to 4Ps.

1) Product- the polish mark of services of mobile telephony, acting in system prepaid. The operator of Heyah's net is Polish Digital Telephony, it to which belongs also Era net. It was really "fresh" brand for young people at the beginning.

2). Price- competitive prices (the lowest prices in polish mobile gsm networks); if you want know more about proces please click here: http://www.heyah.pl/english and choose option "Price List".

3). Place- the introduction of brand was really big success in polish gsm market in 2004. The logo was probably the most popular logos at that time. The characteristic logo is stylised on shape of pentadactylous palm, called Red Paw. The whole of identification of visual net bases on connection of colours black and red, sometimes completed with white background.

4). Promotion- the promotion campaign was very agressive. At the beginning the logo was in TV, on billbords, in newspapers and even at the streets. Than all the people were thinking what is that. Than after 2/3 weeks the company start with TV, radio and newspapers advertisements explaining what logo and brand is.

Heyah's campaigns advertising characterize with common changes of style. This kind of creation is dictated by aspiration to surprising consumers. Advertisements of Heyah were awarded in Poland and Europe many times.

On this website you can find all adverisements of Heyah:

The essential element of formation of picture of mark is the interent Heyah's Club, uniting the users of net. The membership in Club connects with advantages - the reductions on products and services of Heyah net and the co-operating firms. Members of this Club can connect each other, creat bloggs and information in Vkleyah service.

Here is the link to Heyah Club: http://www.heyahklub.pl/hk/portal/?sn=HEYAH.PORTAL


  1. heyah :))))
    I have this mobile net and what can I say??? hehe it's definitely the best mobile net in the world:) many of my friends have it and you can be in touch and don't pay for it or pay just a litle bit. I think Heyah had excellent advertisement and marketing strategy which "catch" attention many-mainly joung - people :) this red hand was everywhere and sometimes people started using "heyah" to say hello or what's up:))))))
    ps. cool blog ^^ CYA

  2. yes that is true: I also have this mobile network and I'm really satisfied :) I'm really impressted about Heyah marketing strategy and because of that I wanted give it as good example of brand image and brand strategy!!!

  3. Hello :)
    I have no contact whith this net, so I can't say a lot... Only I can say that they have got very good and very funy advertisments. So this it :)
    Greetings ;)

  4. Heyah roolz !!!

    H... like high quality transfer
    E... easy
    Y... You... it's for You !!!
    A... and...
    H... heyah your mobile !!

  5. hehe those short rules can say almost everything about this mobile network!!! thx a lot Wojciech :)

  6. Johny- the advertisment is only the beginning ;) you should change your mobile network and try how many adventages has got Heyah...discounts for customers and users the Heyah Club!!I think it is really well-thought-out brand and of course the advertisement stimulate the people to buy this net!!

  7. Hi,
    I'm not a Heyah user, and all I know about this brand is just a little bit, but I have to say, that I have never heard any bad words about it. I must agree with Johny, they have a lot of funny advertisments;) What about this blog- it's really nice, first one I've seen and took some cool news about Heyah:)
